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#18: Covid-19 – Where to from here? (Unconference 2020)

This episode is one in a short series on different ways of thinking about physiotherapy education, published as part of the In Beta 2020 Unconference.

In beta
#18: Covid-19 – Where to from here? (Unconference 2020)

In this guided reflection, Ben and Michael use the Crisis-Response framework developed by the Royal Society of Arts to guide a conversation around how we’ve not only responded to the Covid-19 pandemic but how we might think about moving forward beyond it.

All physiotherapy programmes have had to make changes to the curriculum; some activities have had to end and some new ones have started. The Crisis-Response framework is a useful tool for thinking about which of those new changes should come to an end when the crisis abates and which need to be amplified. And of the “normal” activities that came to an end, which have we realised are obsolete and can be let go permanently, and which need to restart, although possibly in a different form?

We need to ask ourselves, which of the changes that have been introduced into physiotherapy education as a result of Covid-19 and emergency remote teaching are positive and deserve consideration as permanent aspects of our training, and which were temporary solutions that can come to an end.

The podcast progresses through each of the above scenarios, with Ben and Michael offering their own reflections from personal experience, while also providing reflective space for listeners to think about their own practices. During this session we ask listeners to reflect on the following questions; Where do we go next? What are the things that are important us and how do we prioritise them? What gives us hope for more humane approaches to physiotherapy education? What are the ideas that will help us emerge from this crisis and move towards a better future in physiotherapy education?

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How to engage with this podcast

  1. Listen to the podcast taking breaks in between sections as you wish.
  2. Record your key reflections and share these with other participants.
  3. Join a discussion with other unconference participants on the topic and the reflections that it has stimulated.

This podcast is around 50 minutes long. It includes some discussion to make you think about the possible future of physiotherapy education and reflect on your responses. We suggest that you listen to the podcast away from your desk. You might choose to listen whilst you go for a walk or a run in your local area, or you could find somewhere to sit and listen quietly away from other screens and distractions.

The podcast is divided into different sections with approximately 1-min silence in between each section. You can leave the podcast running and listen to it all in one go, or you can pause the podcast during these pauses to make brief notes on your thoughts as you go, but you don’t have to record and share your response to every question. Instead, aim to capture the key reflection that you took away from the experience.

At the end of the podcast, aim to capture your key reflections in a way that they can be shared with other participants. You can choose to do this however and wherever you wish. It could be as a video, in writing, a series of pictures and could be saved as a note on your phone, a Google doc, a blog, a series of tweets, or a video on YouTube.

Once you have created your brief reflection on the podcast, please share it by posting it, or a link to it on the relevant padlet on the Unconference Canvas page by 09:00am UTC on September 15th.

After sharing your reflection, take a look at the reflections from other participants to gain different perspectives on the topic. These will form the stimulus for the synchronous discussion on the 15th September at 10:00am (UTC). To join the conversation click the relevant link on the Canvas page at the appropriate time.

Featured image by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

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