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The Unconference format

At an Unconference the agenda is set by those who are attending, which means that there are no selected speakers and everyone is an active participant contributing their knowledge and experience. We won’t have a list of speakers presenting powerpoint slides about their projects for 15 minutes, or a selection of posters arranged near the coffee tables. Instead, everyone who attends can suggest ideas relating to physiotherapy education that they want to discuss and we will vote as a group to decide which ones to begin working on.

We abide by the 4 rules of unconferences:

  1. Whoever shows up are the right people
  2. Whatever happens is fine
  3. Whenever it starts is the right time
  4. It is over when it’s over

The aims of our unconferences are to:

  • Facilitate meaningful interaction between all attending delegates.
  • Stimulate all delegates to think about aspects of their teaching practice and share their reflections with others in the collaborative development of shared teaching sessions / resources.