Come in, take a seat. Get yourself a coffee. Have a look around. We like talking about and collaborating on ways to make physiotherapy education better. Everything we do is free and open to anyone who wants to join in.

We try to record semi-regular podcasts hosted by Ben Ellis at the University of Birmingham, and Michael Rowe from the University of Lincoln. The podcast typically features a variety of guests as part of a series of conversations on different aspects of physiotherapy education, although sometimes we’ll just chat about whatever is on our minds.
Listen to the latest episode of the podcast below or browse a selection of earlier episodes.
Latest podcast episode: AI personas in physiotherapy education

We publish a monthly newsletter where we share three items related to a topic that we’ve found interesting. These will be things like podcasts, blog posts, research papers, etc. and aim to serve as a stimulus for thinking and reflection. They’re probably not going to be specific to physiotherapy education but will always be something that has helped us think differently about higher and professional education.
Sign up to receive the newsletter.