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#33 – Generative AI in health professions education

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#33 - Generative AI in health professions education

In this conversation, Ben and I speak to Lambert Schuwirth. We wanted to get Lambert’s take on the impact of artificial intelligence in health professions education, and started the conversation with his involvement in the development of HPE-Bot. HPE-Bot is a chatbot interface to the GPT language model, which Lambert has been co-designing with Stephen Coetzee, Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Pretoria.

The conversation covers the development of HPE-Bot from a pedagogical perspective; the potential impact of generative AI on HPE teaching, learning, and assessment; concerns around hallucination; building entire curricula into language models; the research potential for understanding how this affects student learning behaviours; changes to institutional culture and digital literacy; the impact on professions; and the possible rise of private professional educational institutions that are supported by AI.

Ultimately, we reach a conclusion that is both uncomfortable and exciting, depending on what you think about the role of universities in professional education. All in all, this was a wonderful conversation, and I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Additional resources

Lambert Schuwirth is the Strategic Professor in Medical Education in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. Lambert has an extensive publication record in the field of medical and health professions education, with a focus on the assessment of medical competence and performance both in undergraduate and postgraduate training settings. He graduated with his medical degree from Maastricht Medical School, and soon became involved in medical education and medical education research.

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