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Category: Newsletter

The One about Personal Learning

It’s when we do stuff that we learn, not when stuff does something for us. Stephen Downes Introduction I’ve noticed that people tend to use the terms personal learning and personalised learning interchangeably. But they’re different concepts and the difference is, I think, important. In personalised learning, a system makes suggestions for how you should…

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The One about English as the dominant language of the profession

The most difficult thing about majorities is not that they cannot see minorities but that they cannot see themselves. Glen Colquhoun (2004) Introduction In a 2005 commencement speech to the graduating class of Kenyon, David Foster Wallace told a story of two fish swimming along when they pass an older fish swimming in the opposite direction.…

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The One about Learning Styles

We conclude therefore, that at present, there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning-styles assessments into general educational practice. Thus, limited education resources would better be devoted to adopting other educational practices that have a strong evidence base, of which there are an increasing number. Pashler et al. (2008) Introduction In this newsletter…

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The One about Education Research

In medical education, teaching is currently viewed as an intervention that causes learning. The task of medical education research is seen as establishing which educational interventions produce the desired learning outcomes. This ‘medical model’ of education does not do justice to the dynamics of education as an open, semiotic, recursive system rather than a closed,…

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Unposters and unconferences

In far too much online learning, we over-architecture engagement, reducing it to a series of tasks with point values, rather than leaving enough breathing room for organic and intrinsically-motivated community to develop. Jesse Stommel Podcast Ellis, B., & Rowe, M. (n.d.). Reflections on WCPT and the Unposter (No. 13). Retrieved 30 September 2020, from…

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Academic authorship, feedback literacy, and critical digital pedagogy

A course today is an act of composition. Sean Michael Morris Podcast Who Wrote This Stuff, Anyway? The Complex Construct of Authorship in Meded. The KeyLIME podcast. Authorship. It is the basis of career advancement, global recognition, funding, wellness, professional identity, and even historical legacy. But are the guidelines for authorship as they currently stand…

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Future of work, failure of minimal guidance, and hybrid pedagogy on online learning

Curriculum is constructed and negotiated in real time by the contributions of those engaged in the learning process. Dave Cormier Podcast Harris, S. & Mullenweg, M. (2020). The new future of work. Making Sense podcast. In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Matt Mullenweg about the evolution of distributed work. They discuss…

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