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Category: Newsletter

The one about Academic Podcasting

…in a world where managerial pressure seeps into our writing, mainstream media oversimplification, and hostile anti-science discourse, there is something wonderfully freeing and exciting about scholarly podcasting. Ian Cook (2023) Introduction I’ve been working on a podcast project at work and so have been thinking about podcasting more often than usual. I keep bringing it…

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The one about Programmatic Assessment

In programmatic assessment, you can imagine assessment information as pixels, where each assessment is only a single pixel in a picture; the more information (pixels) you have, the better the image will be. Cees van der Vleuten (2018) Introduction Programmatic assessment is a fascinating approach to assessment that seems like it would address many of…

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The one about Active Learning

Active learning is “…the process as building mental models of whatever is being learned, consciously and deliberately testing those models to determine whether they work, and then repairing those models that appear to be faulty. Michael & Modell (2003 Introduction Active learning is one of those phrases in higher education that’s sometimes a little tricky…

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The one about Artificial Intelligence in Education

I think we can trust artificial intelligence in learning, but not artificial intelligence managed by Silicon Valley corporations in learning. Stephen Downes Introduction If you consider that some elements of AI are already widespread in education (for example, online search, recommendation engines, and autocorrect), then it’s not far-fetched to take seriously the question of what…

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