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#16: Low-tech remote teaching and learning

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In beta
#16: Low-tech remote teaching and learning

A few weeks ago Michael posted a set of principles that educators should consider when considering how to adjust their physiotherapy programmes over the next few months. There seems to be a near-universal reaction to the need to set up remote teaching and learning that includes a move towards talking head video lectures to literally replace face-to-face lectures.

There’s a concern that this kind of knee-jerk reaction doesn’t take into account the many challenges that students are likely to face when working from home, regardless of where in the world they are. It seems reasonable to adopt a set of principles that can be used to guide decision-making around the design of learning tasks that take into account some of these challenges. In this episode Ben and Michael discuss each of these principles in some detail, ending with an example of an assignment that integrates them all.

Briefly, the principles are:

  1. Prioritise asynchronous interaction.
  2. Work offline as much as possible.
  3. Privilege text over audio and video.
  4. Low-tech over the Shiny New Thing.
  5. Simplicity over complexity.
  6. Everything is flexible.

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